Dr. Ginger Bratzel

Founder and Director of Results

Let me tell you, the road from a stressed-out service provider with a business that took more than it gave to being able to help awesome biz owners like you make your mark on the world has been quite a road.


You see, I didn’t have instant success.  I worked hard (and not smart) to grow my business and I went about it totally wrong to make every mistake in the book.


So I decided to stop listening to people who had no skin in my success and start being a student of what does work.  And then I started changing things, slowly at first.  And once I saw the results, I dove all in.  I built frameworks that did the heavy work for me to get all the clients I needed and catered to helping people out of frustration and  towards their end goals.  


Now, I help others do the same thing in their businesses, too, so they don't have to go through the obstacles and delays I did.

